Embracing Transformation, Going Beyond Traditional Structures for Greater Kingdom Impact
Solid Rock Ministries and Glory Enterprises recognize the significance of impacting the 7 spheres of society. Through our diverse array of opportunities, including online training, videos, courses, membership programs, subscription services, and in-person gatherings, they aim to see people, ministries, and industries transformed by the power of God's Spirit and Word across these spheres.
From education and government to business, media, arts, family, and religion, their mission is to influence and bring about positive change in each sphere, ushering in a greater manifestation of God's Kingdom on Earth. By equipping individuals and engaging with various sectors of society, they strive to be catalysts for societal transformation and the advancement of God's purposes in the world.
Pray with us for the 7 Spheres of Influence
Pray with us for the 7 Spheres of Influence 〰️
Powerful Daily Declarations
Connect ~ Equipped ~ Empowered
Ekklesia Rising - Infused With Holy Spirit & Power
Jesus said, I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not overpower (exercise force) against it. (See Mt. 18:18)
Well, hell has been overpowering the Church for quite a while did Jesus lie?
Did He misrepresent who the Church was meant to be?
Or did man somehow pervert or lessen the meaning of the Church?
How can the Church not have the enemy prevail against it?
These and other questions will be answered during this course. The KEY to gaining revelation about what Jesus was speaking about is found in the meaning of the word ‘church’. Two words used for Church in the New Covenant ‘okios’ and ‘ekklesia’.
Unfortunately, man misinterpreted the meaning of church in Matthew 18:18 and the earth has been under the sway of the enemy ever since.
Embrace Your Authentic Self: Unlocking Your Promised Destiny - Beyond Captivity!
Breaking free from captivity is just the beginning. The journey towards your destined promise awaits. Like the children of Israel liberated from Pharaoh's grasp, now is the time to embark on the transformative path, leaving behind the wilderness and embracing the fulfillment of your divine calling. Don't settle for less; seize the opportunity to enter your Promised Land.