Get to Know Us…

Hi, My name is Sharon!

I have two primary passions; expounding on God’s Word and helping people, ministries, and industries recalibrate to fully walk in their divine destinies.

I am the founder of ReCalibrate. a coaching/mentoring business. Several years ago my husband and I went through our own recalibration process. God said to me, “I’m reinventing you.” Since then being a reinvention strategist has become a mission; using the prophetic grace upon my life to help people create a prophetic blueprint for their lives, ministries, and industries. The goal is to empower and equip people to step into the fullness of what God has destined for them.

Glory Enterprises is the outworking of Steven and Sharon’s recalibration. We have been married for 44 yrs, been in full-time Christian ministry for 40 yrs, raised two grown children, planted many works of the Lord, and owned and operated Integrity Services, a brick-and-mortar business.

But, 3 1/2 yrs ago everything shifted. As Kingdom entrepreneurs, we have learned to unite our personal, ministry, and industry lives. We once were fragmented in the sense that each aspect of life, service, and business was separated but we have discovered how to live life to the full, living a Hebraic whole Kingdom life with Glory Enterprises as our base of operations.

Hi, My name is Steven!

My passion is helping people recognize their value, I’m in the middle of writing a book about people’s success. The question I often ask people is, “What makes you successful” This question gets people thinking about their lives, at first, many people respond with the statement, I don’t know, not sure if I am successful” but after they ponder it for a moment every person realizes that they have been successful in some way.

My other passion is rebuilding, and restoring things that are broken down. I’m a hands-on, kind of guy. I’m the owner and operator of Integrity Restorative Services a kingdom business that brings restoration to broken down things. Through skill and wisdom, we bring busted and damaged things that no longer function properly back to their fullest capacity.